May 11th marks the anniversary of the death of music legend Bob Marley.We figured we’d make the Bob Marley Shot in his honor. No doubt Bob Marley had that intangible factor that few artists ever have. Like other music luminaries Jimi Hendrix and Tupac Shakur, who also died young, Marley’s words and music seemed to cross boundaries and reach people right where they were at. In honor of the undisputed king of reggae music, today we’re making Flaming Bob Marley Shots. April 20th is right around the corner, so perhaps you should be downing this Bob Marley drink at 4:20pm. A huge spliff in the other hand is optional.
Posts Tagged ‘galliano’
Taste of Winter Cocktail
While looking for new holiday drinks for this year’s videos, I happened upon a recipe entitled A Taste of Winter. This sublime cocktail combines a few upscale ingredients to create something amazing. This drink’s flavor palate fits the winter theme to perfection, with tones of citrus, cherry, and orange. So crank up the tunes, grab yourself a glass, because the winter is about to warm up in a hurry.