Dia de los Muertos is almost upon us. The Day of the Dead is when the Hispanic culture celebrates those who have passed beyond the veil of life into the void of death. Every culture has its ghost stories, and one of the most ingrained is the legend of La Llorona. When one of our Sacramento peeps, Erica Vela said we should create a drink to celebrate the legend of the Weeping Woman, we couldn’t say no to that. After we show you how to make the drink, I’ll tell you a ghost story that has survived for over 500 years and counting.
Posts Tagged ‘lime’
La Llorona Drink Recipe
Margarita on the Rocks Recipe
Summer is almost here, and it’s time to unwind with the most popular tequila drink in America. Of course, I’m talking about the Margarita. Today, there are almost as many varieties of Margaritas as there are grains of sand on the beach, but for now we’ll simply examine the original Margarita on the Rocks recipe. All derivative margarita recipes come from this one, so this is a good cocktail recipe to understand. After the recipe, we’ll delve into the heated discussion about who exactly first created the Margarita, and when.
Moscow Mule Recipe
It’s hard to imagine vodka not being that popular as a cocktail ingredient. But such a time did exist, back before the 1940s. Sure, vodka was big back in Europe, but gin was the far and away the go-to spirit for making drinks here in the United States. So how did vodka suddenly take off? It all began with a drink dubbed the Moscow Mule.