One of the most impressive bartending tricks in existence is pouring Rainbow Shots. You’ve probably seen people do this and walked away scratching your head wondering, “How the hell did they do that?”. Well, never fear, because after reading this article and watching our video, you too will be able to astound your friends by nailing the Rainbow Shooter gimmick.
Posts Tagged ‘grenadine’
How to Make Rainbow Shots
The Flaming Bob Marley Shot
May 11th marks the anniversary of the death of music legend Bob Marley.We figured we’d make the Bob Marley Shot in his honor. No doubt Bob Marley had that intangible factor that few artists ever have. Like other music luminaries Jimi Hendrix and Tupac Shakur, who also died young, Marley’s words and music seemed to cross boundaries and reach people right where they were at. In honor of the undisputed king of reggae music, today we’re making Flaming Bob Marley Shots. April 20th is right around the corner, so perhaps you should be downing this Bob Marley drink at 4:20pm. A huge spliff in the other hand is optional.
How To Make a Zombie Cocktail
The Zombie is one of the iconic Tiki drinks from the late 1930s. Created by Los Angeles restaurant owner Donn “Don the Beachcomber” Beach to get a hungover customer through an important business meeting, it reportedly turned the customer “into a zombie” for the duration of the trip. The Zombie cemented its popularity during the 1939 World’s Fair in New York, and hasn’t looked back since.
Red White and Blue Shot Recipe
The 4th of July is the apex for summer parties here in the States. Barbecues, beergaritas, fireworks; and of course, the red, white and blue. Since tomorrow is Independence Day, and we’ve been doing so well with layered shots recently, we felt it was a good time to break out the Red White and Blue Shot. This pousse-cafe style shooter is the most common red, white, and blue drink that I know of, so let’s go over how to make it.
Fruity Pebble Drink Recipe
Did you ever drink the leftover milk from your cereal bowl as a kid? If you answered yes, then you might love the Fruity Pebble. While not the strongest drink you’ll ever sample, the Fruity Pebble will bring back nostalgia of days when you used to drink the leftover milk from your cereal bowl. So let’s travel back to the days when we used to eat sugary cereal for breakfast – in other words, yesterday.